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Growth is Good!

Building Your Financial Legacy

Pillar 2 – Exponential GROWTH

Today on The Apartment Dealer Show we will discuss the 2nd of the 3 Pillars when it comes to building your financial legacy in multi-family investments…I am talking about Growth. Growing Your Portfolio Size, Growing Your True Net Income, and Growing Your Appreciation, all while not investing any more money, or any more time!

Let’s be honest for a moment, we all want more of the good stuff that comes from owning multi-family properties like Cash-Flow, Tax Savings, etc! If not, then why would we risk our money, or invest our time? The question is, how do we get more of the good stuff without exposing ourselves to risk or loss?

By the time you finish watching this video, you will better understand how to leverage the time, money, and energy you already have invested to increase your monthly cash-flow, increase your portfolio size, and take advantage of more tax savings along the way…like I said, more of the good stuff!!!

If up to this point your “real estate plan” has simply been based on knowing more money is coming in, than is going out, or if you have held onto a particular property because you believe “no other property (or tenants) are like mine,” or if you catch yourself saying things like “you can not make money in this market,” or “1031-Exchanges are too risky,” or even worse, “even if my situation is not ideal I’d rather not hassle with change,” then today’s episode if for YOU! Watch Now!